One Voice
Passenger Boarding Bridge- Bloomington Normal Airport Authority of McLean County
Market Street Transfer Station and Parking Decks- City of Bloomington and Connect Transit
Illinois State University STEM Building- Illinois State University
Missing State Route 251- Hudson Township
One Voice 2025 Projects
What is One Voice?
One Voice, under the leadership of the Bloomington‐Normal Economic Development Council, is a pro‐community campaign that has brought together leaders from the City of Bloomington, the Town of Normal, McLean County, labor unions, local educational institutions, and local private businesses. These groups form the One Voice Task Force. The campaign aims to make McLean County a stronger economic force and a better place to live.
Each year, the One Voice Task Force picks local projects to support as they seek federal funding. We then travel to Washington, D.C., to meet with our congressional delegation and showcase our community’s united support of the projects.
In 2024 One Voice included meetings with Senator Tammy Duckworth, Senator Dick Durbin, Congressman Darin LaHood, and Congressman Eric Sorenson. The trip also included meetings with the Accelerator for America, Frederick County Economic Development, the US Chamber of Commerce, the Department of Labor, the American Enterprise Institute, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Education, and the Environmental Protection Agency.