Workforce Development with Career Link's Shelly Purchis

On episode #13 of Building BN, Patrick speaks with Shelly Purchis, Business Services Representative at Career Link, an Illinois workNet Center. Career Link, which has been operating in Central Illinois since 1975, is a not-for-profit organization that receives federal funding from the Department of Labor, with funds being allocated throughout the state by the Illinois Department of Commerce and Economic Opportunity

From their website, Career Link is:

An organization dedicated to developing the workforce of Central Illinois by providing job search and education assistance, training, and additional resources to residents and employers. We also help employers find and retain capable employees who have the right skills for their company’s specific needs.

Career Link provides services to residents of 8 counties in Central Illinois — Peoria, Stark, Marshall, Woodford, Mason, Fulton, McLean, and Tazewell. The program is also available, nationally, for those residing outside of these counties.

Career Link provides services to the individual as well as businesses. One program available to employers, Purchis explains, is the Incumbent Worker Program. Intended to help bridge the gap of training, keep people employed, or allow them to move up the ranks within their company through up-skilling, this program provides funding to employers to offset their training costs. Participating businesses must match contributions made by Career Link, but this match can be made in the form of employee wages. 

Once employers learn the ins and outs of this program, they are often repeat customers. Said Purchis, “It's a really great program. For most businesses initially coming on, it's a bit of a learning process to help them through [the application process] ... But once they get the process, then they're a repeat [customer]. Once they know that the funding is available, they come back.”

From the Career Link website:

Workforce training programs are a great way to keep your employees' skills up-to-date and your company moving forward. … To be eligible for an IWT training grant, you must have the need to train existing workers to prevent potential layoffs or increase workers' proficiency. If you qualify, you can receive an Incumbent Worker Training grant through WIOA and be reimbursed for up to 100% of employee training costs.

To learn more about Career Link and how it can assist both employers and employees, visit their website at Listen to this episode of Building BN in its entirety here. If you have more questions and are located in Marshall, McLean, Stark, or Woodford county, contact Shelly Purchis at 309.807.1403 or In Fulton, Mason, Peoria, or Tazewell county, contact Norm Griffin at 309.321.0255 or


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